
PEPCO has a variety of products and services to satisfy all of your financial needs, from savings accounts, checking accounts and investment accounts, to auto loans, home loans and everything in between. As a full service financial institution, we offer products for every need in your life at every stage of your life.

What is a Credit Union?

What makes a credit union different from a bank or savings & loan?

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Helpful Links

We have complied some key resource links for your convenience.

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News & Announcements



PEPCO Credit Union has teamed up with MedicareCU to provide free education and services regarding Medicare to our members.

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Sherri's Comments

I’m very excited to report about some new services available to our members. First of all, Bill Pay is now available to you from our on-line banking account and its super easy to use.

Select A Bill to Pay

Choose How Much and When

Sit Back and Relax!

Paying bills doesn’t have to be a hassle.

Pay any type of bill without stamps or envelopes.

  • Secure
  • Set up recurring payments, or pay each bill manually
  • Pay as many bills as needed

Enjoy this service for FREE with any checking account!

An online banking account and a checking account are required. Ready to enroll? Visit, sign into your online account and click the Bill Pay tab.

Also, in the same area of the on-line program you will see that Zelle is now here. Send money electronically in a safe easy manner. BUT REMEMBER don’t send money to places you don’t know or do business with. You can’t win a prize in a contest you didn’t enter.

How to Start Using Zelle
  1. Sign into your online banking account
  2. Enroll or log into Bill Pay
  3. Select “Send Money with Zelle”
  4. Accept Terms and Conditions
  5. Select your U.S mobile number or email address and deposit account

That’s it! You’re ready to start sending and receiving money with Zelle.

Did You Know?

As a result of the Pandemic over 90% of Americans began using digital financial services as their First Choice for banking transactions and most will never go back.

We at YOUR Pepco Credit Union want you to know that while digital services may be the first line of doing financial business with us, that it will not be the ONLY method.

We understand that sometimes when you start a digital inquiry or go to set up an online or mobile function that it may become confusing. That’s where our staff or call centers come in to play to assist you. (Tip: Make sure your email and mobile phone information is current). I have listed our contact information below and assure you that we have people standing by (Tip: They may be assisting other clients so please leave a message and we WILL get back to you).

  • Edison Place Office: 202-949-4711
  • Edison Place Mobile: 202-923-7019
  • Digital Assistance/Transaction Mobile: 202-669-9184
  • Benning Road Office: 202-388-2447
  • Benning Road Mobile: 202-494-5568
  • After Hours/Weekend Emergency: 703-517-2195

Card Shared Branch/ATM Assistance Call Centers

For Visa Debit and Credit Card Call Centers as well as our Nationwide Shared Branch/Surcharge Free ATM Service see the right of this page under Important Numbers

Just need a Branch? Our Benning Road Branch will remain open 5-Days per week

Well, we all know that prices have gone up! Did you know that your credit union offers Overdraft Lines of Credit that will advance automatically to your credit union checking when you need a little more help with your monthly expenses.

Not only will this line of credit help with expenses you know about but will also kick in for those unexpected items that will often cause an overdraft to your account and a fee. While your credit union does charge overdraft fees we would like to help you avoid them.

For more information see Lending Tour on our website and “click on” Overdraft Lines of Credit. To apply just click below.

Already have an overdraft line of credit and need a little more help? Just send an email to and ask for a limit increase.

Facial Recognition is now available for your Pepco FCU Mobile App.

Unlike other identification solutions such as passwords, email or fingerprint, Biomaterial facial recognition uses unique dynamic patterns to make the systems one of the safest and most efficient available. Now that you have read the technical side, just download our App and it will walk you through our easy and safe new feature.

We have partnered with Zelle® to bring you a fast, safe
and easy way to send and receive money with friends, family and other people you trust.

Learn More